These drugs produce an anti-inflammatory effect. Used to reduce mucous secretions, swelling and inflammation. Used in conjunction with bronchodilators to open airways in conditions such as asthma and COPD.
Examples: Flovent, Solumedrol, Azmacort, Decadron
Side Effects: Masks infections, hyperglycemia, slow wound healing.
2. Beta Agonists
These are drugs having an affinity for the Beta 2 receptors sites. These sites are found primarily in bronchial and vascular smooth muscles producing bronchial relaxation and arterial dilation to skeletal muscles.
Used to relieve bronchoconstriction, for short term treatment of acute exacerbations, and long term treatment to control symptoms. Used for nocturnal symptoms.
Examples: Alupent, Serevent, Proventil
Side Effects: Tachycardia, headache, angina, muscle tremors